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Welcome to the ezine of VITA-advies!

We addressed resistance to change in an earlier ezine. Following that, we like to introduce the ADKAR-model, because the ADKAR model identifies why changes are not working on a individual level. It helps you to break down the change into parts that signify a certain outcome (awareness, desire etc), understand where the change is failing and address that impact point
(Source: www.change-management.com/tutorial-adkar-overview.htm). 

The model, developed by Jeff Hiatt, CEO of Prosci Change Management, and first published in 2003, focuses on 5 actions and outcomes necessary for successful individual change, and therefore successful organisational change. 

No change can occur when people do not start to change their own behaviours. 
Ezine VITA-advies, no. 9, 2013 - The ADKAR-model 

In this ezine:
Introduction of the ADKAR-model and how it can help you. 

Going on holiday soon?
Attached an exercise to help you address (personal) changes with the ADKAR-model ;0)!  

The next VITA-advies ezine is due beginning of September.
Please share your feedback with me! Enjoying my ezines?
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Feedback is much appreciated: vita.vervoorn@vita-advies.nl

The five sequential steps or actions of the ADKAR model

  1. Awareness of the need for change
    Understanding why change is necessary is the first key aspect of successful change (VITA-advies ezine 2). This step explains the reasoning and thought that underlies a required change. Planned communication is essential. When this step is successfully completed the individual (employee) will fully be informed why change is necessary.
  2. Desire to participate in and support the change
    In this step the individual is able to reach a point where they make a personal decision to support the change and participate in the change initiative. A desire to support and be part of the change can only happen after full awareness of the need for change is established. Building desire is partly achieved by addressing incentives for the individual and creating a desire to be a part of the change or a desire for the outcome of the change. 
  3. Knowledge on how to change
    The third building block of the model, providing knowledge about the change, can be achieved through normal training and education methods. Other methods of transferring knowledge, such as coaching, forums and mentoring, are equally useful, so don't limit this process to formal training. Two types of knowledge need to be addressed: knowledge on how to change (what to do during the transitionperiod - knowledge on policies that bridge the change gap) and knowledge on how to perform once the change is implemented.

  4. Ability to implement required skills and behaviors
    In the ADKAR model Ability is the difference between theory and practice. Once knowledge on how to change is in place (theory) the practice, or actual performance of the individual, needs to be supported. This can take some time and can be achieved through practice, coaching and feedback.

  5. Reinforcement to sustain the change.
    This final stage of the model is an essential component in which efforts to sustain the change are emphasised and implemented. Ensuring that changes stay in place and that individuals do not revert to old ways can be achieved through executive example, positive feedback, rewards, recognition, measuring performance and taking corrective actions.

    This is often the part of change management that is most difficult as organisations are already moving towards the next change initiative. For successful change, reinforcement is essential to ensure that changes are maintained and new outcomes can be measured.

    Sources: http://www.prosci.com/adkar-model/overview-3/ and www.change-management-coach.com

How can the ADKAR-model help you? 

The ADKAR-model can be used to:
- Go through the change phases and diagnose employee resistance to change 
  (it is an additon to the piramid of ezine no. 8)
- Address resistance at the right level and help employees through the change initiative
- Create focused action plans for advancement during the change initiative

Ask yourself:

With the ADKAR-model in mind - can I assess how the progress of my change initiative is, linked to changes on individual level? 

Want to know more about the ADKAR-model? 

VITA-advies for CM consulting, training, workshops and team events

VITA-advies offers consulting in organizational change processes. Next to that VITA-advies designs and conducts all kinds of training, workshops and team events.
More information: http://www.vita-advies.nl/
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